We are glad to announce that PHERGain study “Chemotherapy-free Trastuzumab and Pertuzumab in HER2-positive (Human Epidermal Receptor) Breast Cancer: FDG-PET Response-adapted Strategy” has achieved 65% of recruitment!! (266/400 patients).
The study assesses the early metabolic effects of neoadjuvant treatment with trastuzumab and pertuzumab (± endocrine therapy) on the primary tumor and axillary lymph nodes and their predictive value for a pathologic complete response (pCR) in the breast and axilla.
50 sites are active and recruiting in 7 countries (Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, UK and Germany) only 5 sites pending in Portugal to participate in the study and a total of 266 patients have been recruited (453 patients screened, 165 screening failure) since June 2017. It’s a very interesting study that involves collaboration from Oncology, Radiology and Pathological Anatomy services. Thank you very much to all of them and specially to Hospital Virgen del Rocío – Dr Manuel Ruiz Borrego (31 patients randomized), Hospital Clínic Universitari de Valencia – Dr Begoña
Bermejo (18 patients randomized), Hospital Vall Hebrón – Dr Santiago Escrivà (16 patients randomized), Hospital Ramón y Cajal – Dr Noelia Martinez (15 patients randomized) and ICO L’Hospitalet – Dr Agostina Stradella (19 patients randomized) as top 5 recruiters. The research team was supported by an unrestricted fellowship from Roche.
In March 2019 we expect to have 400 patients enrolled in the study thanks to continuing working with your collaboration. We will make it!
Author: Marta Martínez de Falcón