The emotion and anticipation that could be felt throughout Hall B at Chicago’s McCormick center just before Monday’s Lung Cancer session was very exciting, similar to the moments before a FC Barcelona – Real Madrid football match. The only difference is that EVERYBODY loved the outcome. Nobody left the scene sad or crestfallen. On the contrary, we were all smiles!
And how couldn’t we be? The results from three large phase 3 trials with three different immunotherapy agents (click here for more info of these trials) demonstrated very positive results for 1st line lung cancer patients while answering quite a few challenging clinical and molecular questions. Of course, like with all advances in Clinical Research in Medical Oncology, more questions have come to light. MedSIR immediately got to work and is currently drawing up strategic ideas and trial designs to help answer these new doubts. If you by chance have any ideas that you would like to share and develop with us, please feel free to contact us!
Aside from Lung Cancer, more promising data regarding PD-1 inhibitors was presented in the neoadjuvant setting of both melanoma and bladder cancer. Little by little, these novel agents are making their way from palliative to curable settings, providing great hope to many patients worldwide.
Altogether, AACR was truly fascinating, representing a great mix of new clinical data that can be used tomorrow in clinical practice and very novel therapeutic agents and approaches that hopefully find success in the near future.
See you all back in the windy city for ASCO! Let’s pray for more sun than snow! this time around.