The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world the value of clinical trials as essential to identifying effective treatments and vaccines against disease. In recent months, society as a whole has witnessed a race against time to find the most effective strategy against COVID-19 through a multitude of clinical trials in which multiple therapies and vaccines have been continually evaluated for efficacy and safety.
Not all clinical trials are promoted directly by the pharmaceutical industry. Many trials, referred to as either “independent”, “researcher-initiated” or “academic” are promoted and executed by institutions that have no commercial interest in exploiting evaluated treatments; whose sole objective is to obtain the knowledge that will help to improve patient care. In any case, whatever the management model of each trial, their performance must always comply with demanding regulatory and ethical criteria that guarantee the robustness and transparency of the data obtained, as well as the safety and interest of patients.
Patients are the centerpiece of any clinical trial, since without their voluntary participation, it would not be possible to carry out any studies of this type. The involvement of a patient in any type of trial is strictly prohibited without an explicit and informed consent. Regulatory agencies and independent ethical committees must approve the procedures of a clinical trial to avoid any type of action that does not conform to good clinical practice and the interest and rights of patients, which must be preserved above all other considerations.
Participation in clinical trials can be extremely attractive for patients who are diagnosed with different diseases and for their caregivers, since they represent a way of early access to the most innovative treatments, often in the absence of other therapeutic options with desirable efficacy.
In addition to the benefits for both doctors and patients, another relevant variable of the clinical trial is its contribution to the viability and sustainability of our healthcare systems. Expenses associated with conducting clinical trials, including those related to medical monitoring of patients, are covered by the trial sponsor. This means that through clinical trials, hospitals have access to the most promising treatments or vaccines free of charge, with the consequent relief that this brings to national health systems.
jobs in a field of high added value. For all these reasons, the implementation of clinical trials is a valuable bet for patients, the health industry and its professionals.
We understand that clinical research in oncology is complex and fast-moving and we make it a company priority to try to help any and all parties involved in this global fight. Contact us with any inquiries.